Thursday, September 3, 2020

Causes of Workplace Accidents

Reasons for Workplace Accidents Work environment mishaps are by and large brought about by the hazardous conduct of representatives and the perilous condition of items (Shi Wenwen, et al., 2011). Previously, underlying drivers of those mishaps were accounted for the most part in wording innovative glitches and the human component would in general be overlooked (Gordon, 1998). Innovation and frameworks have gotten increasingly dependable and the recurrence of mechanical disappointments has reduced, there is little vulnerability today that human mistakes add to most of wellbeing occurrences inside high hazard ventures (Baysari, et al., 2009; Skalle, 2014). The ebb and flow research on the work environment mishaps report that human blunders are the underlying driver of up to 80% of occurrences in high hazard businesses (Liping, 2003; Cullen and Anderson, 2005; Garret and Teizer, 2009; Ganguly, 2011; Quanmin, et al., 2011). As Reason (1997) demonstrated in a prior exploration, it is normal, since human choices and activities are engaged with mishaps, yet additionally in the plan, development, activity, upkeep and the executives of complex frameworks. The importance of human variables commitment to wellbeing has been exhibited in the course of recent decades by the regularly cited instances of the commitment of human disappointments to the significant mishaps inside the procedure business, for example, Bhopal, Piper Alpha, Texas City processing plant blast, Esso Longford gas blast and Texaco Milford Haven blast (Hughes and Kornowa-Weichel, 2004). Given this exhibition, it is dumbfounding that the significance of human elements in the wellbeing the board has not yet been widely recognized inside the high hazard enterprises in the Middle East. There are barely any literary works exist inside the Middle East on the importance of human components in security the executives. A few components of human factors, for example, preparing and inspiration had consistently been gotten consideration inside the oil and gas industry; nonetheless, they have been intentionally overseen as a major aspect of a coordinated wellbeing the board framework or with the thoroughness that their commitment to the hazard requires. The term ‘human error’ is characterized in a few written works (Norman, 1981; Reason, 1990; Sanders and McCormick, 1993; Salmon, et al., 2005). Reason (1990, p.9) characterized human mistake as â€Å"a conventional term to envelop each one of those events in which an arranged succession of mental or physical exercises neglects to accomplish its planned result, and when these disappointments can't be ascribed to the mediation of some possibility agency.† Salmon, et al. (2005, p.5) characterized human mistake as â€Å"any mental or physical movement, or inability to perform action, that prompts either an undesired or unsuitable outcome.† Dhillon Liu (2006) and Shi Wenwen, et al. (2011) call attention to that the reasons for human blunders are convoluted, and the essential reasons can be one’s own dangerous mental exercises, physiological components, natural variables, lacking security preparing, helpless plan factors and insufficient strategies. The term ‘human factor’ is frequently alluded as the string that goes through the wellbeing the executives framework, the association for security and the way of life of a site (Cullen and Anderson, 2005). Cacciabue (2004, p.12) characterized human factors as â€Å"the innovation worried about the examination and improvement of the connection among individuals and their exercises, by the combination of human sciences and designing in efficient applications, in thought for intellectual perspectives and socio-specialized working contexts.† The United Kingdom, Health and Safety Executive (HSE) characterized human factors as â€Å"environmental, hierarchical and work variables, and human and individual attributes which impact conduct at work in a manner which can influence wellbeing and safety† (HSE, 2005, p.5; Ganguly, 2011, p.14). Hughes Kornowa-Weichel (2004) and Cullen Anderson (2005) feature that it is imperative to incorporate human variables from the beginning times of procedure plan and procedural advancement to decrease human disappointments. Hamilton, et al. (2013, p.5) express that â€Å"human factors mix is the main strategy for applying human variables to the improvement of socio-specialized frameworks across security basic industries.† along these lines, the joining assists with guaranteeing that human components strategies and standards are applied properly and reliably during the framework advancement so as to accomplish a protected and powerful structure for end clients. McLeod (2004) shows that human elements development evaluation of an association ought to be regarding what move association makes to limit the human commitment to occurrences and the effect on the soundness of the work environment through the manner in which it structures the hardware and executes its related preparing and strategies. In general, the above examined written works set forward the case that administration frameworks, devices and gear of an association to be planned with the possible abilities and impediments of individuals as a primary concern to run it securely and successfully as individuals are the essential and key highlights of the business frameworks. Consequently, the accepted procedures of human disappointment avoidance must be achieved when human elements are coordinated into the procedural and framework improvement stage as opposed to considering as an independent movement. Thus, the achievement pace of human disappointment counteraction generally relies upon the degree of human components coordination into the wellbeing and security the board arrangement of that association. Foundation to the association Lamprell Energy Limited (LEL) is a main supplier of broadened designing and contracting administrations to the inland and seaward oil and gas and sustainable power source ventures. Situated in the United Arab Emirates (U.A.E) and with the activities all through the district, Lamprell has assumed an unmistakable job in the advancement of the vitality business inside the Middle East for more than 35 years. Lamprell has built up a main market position in the development, appointing and establishment of apparatuses, process modules and top sides. The essential offices of Lamprell are situated in Hamariya, Sharjah and Jebel Ali which are all situated inside the U.A.E. The offices spread roughly 910,000 m2 with 2.2 km of quayside. The association utilizes around 2400 workers in the Jebel Ali office where the exploration was led. Explanation behind the paper Wellbeing and security is a basic belief inside Lamprell organizations and a solid wellbeing and wellbeing society exist inside the gathering. The wellbeing and security the executives framework is certify by the Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS) 18001:2007 norm. Reconnaissance reviews are done by Bureau Veritas, a worldwide pioneer in the administration frameworks accreditation with a solid nearness inside the U.A.E. Kelvin Top Set main driver examination apparatus and critical thinking approach is utilized inside the association for the examination of working environment occurrences. This guarantees the main drivers of all episodes announced inside the association are efficiently recognized. An investigation completed on all the lost time, confined work, clinical treatment mishaps and underlying drivers announced over the most recent 3 years inside the Jebel Ali office of Lamprell uncovers that the mishaps brought about by the human disappointments are at a disturbing rate. There were no fatalities detailed during this period inside the association. It was affirmed that mishaps are arranged dependent on the comparative detailing measures over each of the three years to guarantee consistency of gathered information. Figure 1. All out Accident Frequency Rate (AFR) and Human Failure Accident Frequency Rate from January 2011 to December 2013. Figure 2. The reasons for human disappointment mishaps from January 2011 to December 2013. As Figure 1 shows, there was an ascent in AFR in 2012 contrasted with 2011 and afterward dropped in 2013. Human disappointments contributed 76%, 82% and 83% to the complete AFR in 2011, 2012 and 2013 separately. The reasons for these human disappointment mishaps were recovered from Lamprell’s Single Incident Reporting System (SIRS) and represented in Figure 2. The pie diagram shows that over a large portion of the human disappointment mishaps were because of the rebelliousness of strategies, helpless competency and ecological variables. The high human disappointment mishap rate and the idea of the reasons for these disappointments are simple for evaluating the human variables joining into the wellbeing and security the executives arrangement of Lamprell.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

In conclusion Romeos character Essay Example

All in all Romeos character Paper Romeo is a passionate, pre-adult kid, he endless supply of affection and pickle of sentiment. The story is a sentimental disaster where Romeo and his affection must fall. The enthusiasm and feeling that sneaks in Romeo, definitely is answerable for the catastrophe which before long surfaces. Romeo is infatuated with being enamored. His activities and relations are under incredible examination from the pressure and tension of the quarreling Montagues and Capulets, as his adoration and friendship for Juliet grows so does his hasty character. The primary articulations of Romeo are that he isn't his standard self. His nonattendance is altogether spoken about in the Montague family unit. Montague specifies how Romeo has been minding his own business, favoring night to day Locks reasonable sunshine out, And makes himself a fake night. From Montague, Lady Montague and Benvolio, we suspect that the story will be based around the missing Romeo. When Romeo appears, we comprehend that his trouble and wretchedness is on the grounds that his adoration for Rosaline is unreturned Love, whose view is suppressed still. Romeos conflicting language is an away from of how Romeos observations and sentiments are fumblingly various. The redundant utilization of paradoxical expression exhibits that Romeos feelings are stirred up in regards to his relationship with Rosaline. Love is a smoke Loving contempt Romeo vernaculars in this intricate method of talking, the consistent utilization of whimsical symbolism and rhyming couplets show that his feelings are counterfeit and are not originating from his heart. Following Romeos confounded and sincere discourse, Benvolio prompts Romeo that the remedy for adoration is to take a gander at different young ladies and come to Capulet party. Take thou new contamination to thy eye. We will compose a custom article test taking everything into account Romeos character explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test all in all Romeos character explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test taking everything into account Romeos character explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Anyway Romeo is as yet unfriendly to Benvolios suggestion, until, while perusing the list if people to attend, Romeo finds that Rosaline will be at the gathering, despite the fact that Romeo keeps on fighting that his adoration for Rosaline will never show signs of change, Nere saw her match since the world started, he decides to come to the gathering. Sick come no such sight to be appeared. While at the Capulet party. Romeo meets his affection Juliet, and they in a split second begin to look all starry eyed at from the start sight. This jolting second is composed as a piece. Strict symbolism goes through Romeos discussion with Juliet profane, trespass, cleansed, confidence. Romeo analyzes Juliet to a holy person, the symbolism of light is significant. Romeos prior adoration was described by pain, despairing, tears and murkiness. This is unmistakable of his character, prior he was certain to the point that the main love for him was Rosaline yet now a scene later, hes become hopelessly enamored with Juliet. This unveils how guileless and uncorrupt Romeo truly is, he is increasingly disposed to communicate the joy long his adoration, instead of to take care of business, which bolsters the prior purpose of that Romeo is infatuated with the idea of being enamored, and his feelings and activities take him to where he is presently. Presently that Romeos fascination for Rosaline has finished, act 2 starts with the unconscious Mercutio taunting Romeos love for Rosaline. Mercutio claims to be an entertainer, utilizing sexual allusion demesues, soul hover, remain, down, medlar, open-are to prod Romeo. Mercutios sexual kidding contradicts and features the genuine affection of Romeo and Juliet. Following Act 2 scene 2 Romeos first line is a cavalier remark about Mercutios kidding about affection he jokes at scars that never felt an injury. This implies somebody who has never experienced being infatuated, thinks that its simple to taunt the enduring of an individual profoundly enamored. Act 2 scene 2 is especially unmistakable of Romeos character, Romeo who is avoided Juliet in the Capulet plantation, sees Juliet at an upstairs window. Romeo thinks about her to the sun, stars and sky, fainst stars in all the paradise this all represents Romeos fixation on Juliet and how his character has created from charmed to frantic. The first occasion when we meet Friar Lawrence is on Act 2 scene 5, he is gathering blossoms and herbs. He mirrors that, similar to individuals, they contain both recuperating medication and toxic substance, both great and malevolence. He shows this by the utilization of direct opposite day/night, mother/tomb, reasonable use/misuse, beauty/impolite. Minister Lawrences utilization of restrictions or direct opposite assist us with understanding the play will be clashing both love and abhor feelings, his discourse gives us a getting that if the play will be opposite, so will the character of Romeo. Romeos first gathering with Friar Lawrence is likewise on act 2 scene 3. Romeo goes to Friar Lawrence to make an admission. Anyway Friar Lawrence doesnt discover Romeos clarification clear, he stresses the reality by utilizing rhyme, the rhyme shows the amount Friar Lawrence is uninformed about Romeos admission. Minister Lawrence discloses to Romeo that uncertain, hazy admissions may be given comparative unacceptable absolution riddling shift. This communicates Romeo has blended sentiments over revealing the mystery of his affection for Juliet, and hes not so much sure who to place his confidence in. The contrasts among old and youthful, between wary, develop, insight and young feeling are striking in the play. Romeos enthusiasm is apparent I remain on unexpected scurry. The appear differently in relation to Friar Lawrences counsel is striking as he encourages love decently, long love doth so the inverse to Romeo. After Friar Lawrence blamed Romeo for a unimportant fascination, youthful mens cherishes then lies Not really in their souls, yet in their eyes and making jokes For gushing, not for adoring, student mice, Friar Lawrence at long last consents to wed Romeo and Juliet, on the grounds that he trusts it will end the quarrel between the Montagues and Caplets. Romeos character in this scene appears to have developed, he has the fearlessness to come and converse with a grown-up about adoration, perhaps demonstrating that he is not, at this point a kid and prepared to get hitched to Juliet. Resulting to Romeos battle and murder of Tybalt, the Prince sentences Romeo to be expelled from Verona. These conditions again realizes Romeos uncorrupt and juvenile conduct, he loses all poise and hurls himself to the floor in fomentation taking the proportion of an unmade grave. Romeo is so insulted with the choice to expel him, he is mulling over ending it all shot from the lethal degree of a firearm. His expulsion makes Romeo shout out with extraordinary anguish to Friar Lawrence who criticizes Romeo. This devastation is insufferable for Romeo, for he feels being exiled from the city of Verona is more awful than death. Henceforth ousted is expelled from the world, And the universes oust is passing ; then exiled Is demise mistermed. This request for occasions underline Romeos commitment and dedication to Juliet, he would prefer to pass on than leave Juliet. It additionally underlines his youthfulness as Romeos fixation and interest with Juliet may maybe make this sentimental catastrophe rise. Taking everything into account Romeos character has twisted directly through the play. The adjustment in circumstances through the demonstrations have impacted Romeos character, mind-set, feeling and in particular his activities. The early introductions of Romeo as a discouraged, dismissed youngster changed when he met Juliet, anyway the equivalent loving feelings for Juliet become over the top and obsessive which makes him change under the weight of the fighting Montagues and Capulets. Beginning from the fixation at the Capulet gathering to the fixation and rushed dynamic at the tomb, it was very much for Romeo whos firm disposition unavoidably made this unreasonable fiasco surface.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Nursing Diagnosis Essay -- Clinical Reasoning Cycle

J.P., a multi year old female, presents to the Emergency Room on March eighteenth. She has a past clinical history of cervical malignant growth, atheroembolism of the left lower furthest point, fistula of the vagina, fringe vascular infection, neuropathy, glaucoma, GERD, sadness, hypertension, constant kidney illness, and sickle cell pallor. She whines of right lower limit torment joined by weariness, a diminished hunger, expanded work of breathing, consuming on pee, and diminished pee yield for three days. On confirmation, a total physical appraisal was performed alongside a blood and metabolic board. The appraisal uncovered numerous positive and negative discoveries. J.P. was sure for dyspnea and a gainful hack. She likewise was certain for dysuria and hematuria, yet negative for flank torment. After close assessment of her integumentary and musculoskeletal framework, the inspector found a gleaming firm shin on the correct lower limit with +2 edema supplemented by serious torment. A lot of gauge vitals were likewise performed uncovering a circulatory strain of 124/80, beat of 87 beats for every moment, oxygen immersion of 99%, temperature of 97.3 degrees Fahrenheit, and breath of 12 breaths for every moment. The blood and metabolic board uncovered a few irregular labs. A red platelet check of 3.99, white platelet tally of 22.5, hemoglobin of 10.9, hematocrit of 33.7%, sodium level of 13, potassium level of 3.1, carbon dioxide level of 10, creatinine level of 3.24, glucose level of 200 , and a BUN level of 33 were the strange labs. After a careful assessment, J.P. was determined to have a profound vein thrombosis (DVT). â€Å"DVT grows frequently in the legs yet can happen additionally in the upper arms†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Ignatavicius and Workman, 2013). Due t... ...analyze that cause physical agony, yet additionally issues that can cause enthusiastic, profound, and psychosocial injury. After the execution of the expressed mediations, the patient gained physical and passionate ground towards the previously mentioned objectives. The above objectives were met, yet surpassed desires for the patient and the attendants who gave care. Works Cited Ackley, B. and Ladwig, G. (2010) Nursing analysis handbook:an proof based manual for arranging care. Maryland Heights, MO: Mosbey. Ignatavicius, D. D., and Workman, M. L. (2013). Care of Intraoperative Patients. Clinical careful nursing: understanding focused communitarian care (seventh ed.). St. Louis: Elsevier. Taylor, C. (2011). Prologue to Nursing. Essentials of nursing: the workmanship and study of nursing care (seventh ed.). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.

Monday, June 15, 2020

The Wizard of Oz Essay - 825 Words

The Wizard of Oz (Essay Sample) Content: Students NameProfessorCourseDateThe Wizard of OZ"Toto, I have a feeling weà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬re not in Kansas anymore,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ she says, and that camp classic of a line has detached itself from the movie to become a great American catchphrase, endlessly recycledà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ In the film, the statement attempts to show the shift from Dorothyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s home and comfort zone, Kansas to an unfamiliar land. Dorothy herself thinks the strange place is beyond the rainbow (15:13 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ 21:56). The phrase indicates the supernatural act of being taken from the ground and being flown to a magical place in a tornado. The storm carries with it strange scenes of a woman knitting, Miss Gulch furiously riding a bike, sailors, and a woman riding a broom (12:13 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ 15:26). This Dorothy is also a change from a timid to a confident girl. The strange place stirs change in Dorothy as she has to adapt to the new strange place she finds herself. In this new location, she learns ho w to face challenges and to tackle these obstacles. Dorothy first gets away from her auntà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s home to save her pet dog from impending death. This journey is until she is made to turn back home on news of her auntà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s ailment.In the new land, Dorothy is treated like a hero on her arrival. The reception is attributable to her kindness to the creatures she meets on the way and the courage she shows on their journey to the wizard. When Dorothy and Toto come across the scarecrow, and the lion who accompanies them on their journey, they are also seeking a new "Kansas" in their lives. The scarecrow wishes for a brain while the cowardly lion aims to have courage.The phrase is used to foreshadow foreshadows other themes in the film such as self-sufficiency. When the scarecrow and the cowardly lion accompany Dorothy in search of the wizard, they seek to overcome challenges in their lives and take control of their lives. The tin woodman with them is in search of a heart. Their experiences on the journey and with the wizard show that the characters already have what they seek from the wizard. In the end, they are moved from that place of insecurity and insufficiency to appreciate their abilities fully. Other themes that are foreshadowed by this phrase are friendship and the concept of home. Dorothy starts out as friends with Toto and later is joined by the scarecrow, lion, and the Tin Woodman. Her friends are with her in the journey to Emerald City and on her way back home. Despite the beauty of Oz and its people, Dorothy ultimately wishes to return home to Kansas, which is the complete opposite of the Oz bliss.The application of this metaphor into regular language has been to symbolize change from the norm. The detachment of the phrase from the movie is an indicator of the limitless application of widely popular movies in our day to day lives. The adoption of familiar movie phrases has thus become part of daily conversations and has found applications in various contexts. In the use of this phrase in todayà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s communications, it is an indicator of personal tornados or struggles undergone by human beings and the possibility of overcoming these setups.Through their experiences, people are forced to find the better of themselves to cope with their current situation. "No longer in Kansas" is thus a fit expression for anyone who wishes to express presence in an unfamiliar position or a...

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Inherit The Wind by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee

Every man has opinions, some which are stronger than others, but do these thoughts define the man? In Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee’s play Inherit The Wind opinions do not define the people who advocate them. Each character in this play has viewpoints that influence their actions. The bravery, honesty and determination required to express an opinion defines a person more than the opinion, allowing one to respect a man who advocates unpopular opinions. When a man stands up for his beliefs despite their unpopularity, he exemplifies great bravery. While Bertram Cates may not have been the most brave man when the trial began, he later addresses the courtroom by saying, â€Å"I feel I am†¦ I have been convicted of violating an unjust law. I will continue in the future, as I have in the past, to oppose this law in any way I can,† (115). Bert bravely states his point of view in his speech and makes it clear that he stands behind Darwinism. While picking the jury membe rs, Drummond â€Å"[objects] to all [the] ‘Colonel’ talk,† (42) because he believes it interferes with a fair trial. In addition to annoying Brady, Drummond objects to the title because he is brave enough to stand up to what he thinks is unjust. On a more general note, Drummond had the bravery to go to Hillsboro as the defense attorney for Bert even though winning the case was nearly impossible and there was no pay. Although their opinions were not popular in the play, Bert and Drummond show great bravery by standing up forShow MoreRelatedThe, Inherit The Wind, By Jerome Lawrence And Robert E. Lee1366 Words   |  6 Pages and social norms are challenged. Those that could adapt to the changing times would flourish in post-war America, whereas those that could not depart from the yesteryear found themselves in the mercy of time. In the play, Inherit the Wind, by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee, Matthew Brady and Clarence Drummond, two famous attorneys, go head to head in a heated litigation over the morality of the teaching of evolution. Evolution is a contested â€Å"new† theory at the time, and teaching it would goRead MoreInherit The Wind By Jerome Lawrence And Robert E. Lee2023 Words   |  9 PagesInherit the Wind, a play written by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee was a very influential plays for its time. The play is based on the 1925 Scopes trial in Dayton, Tennessee. The scopes trial was known as â€Å"The Trial of the Century and helped expose the controversy between the Christian theory of creationism and the scientific theory of evolution. The play, which was published years after the trial, helped expose many Americans to the cultural divide between science and faith in our nation. ItRead MoreInherit the Wind by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee901 Words   |  4 Pagesmost controversial plays of its time is hands down, Inherit the Wind. The main debate throughout the play is the debate between science and religion . A bit of a background for those that are naive to the topic in this time period to follow. Small towns such as Hillsboro were very prone to streamlined views in every possible topic of extremities such as religion to minor topics relative to eateries, gossip, and small town politics. Lawrence and Lee do an exceptional job representing and setting theRead MoreTheories And Arguments : Inherit The Wind By Jerome Lawrence Robert E. Lee Essay780 Words   |  4 Pages Arguments – â€Å"Inherit the Wind† by Jerome Lawrence Robert E. Lee Established Goals: Students compose thoughtful, analytical arguments rooted in their own ideologies about religion, science, and the world today. Students develop arguments (not opinions!) about aforementioned themes (i.e. religion, science, power, traditions, professionalism, separation of beliefs and state, etc.). 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Lee, is about a big trial in a small town, and a controversial Creation versus Evolution debate. There are many characters with flamboyant and powerful personalities. Among them are: Matthew Harrison Brady, and Henry Drummond. Although all of these influential people are powerful, not all of them have the same amount of power, not only over other people, but over themselves as well. Matthew Harrison Brady is a very powerful, and revered man atRead MoreEssay about First Impressions Are Not Always Correct524 Words   |  3 Pagescasual â€Å"hello† down the hallway to truly know a person. It is actually very difficult, and takes time, to know someone on a personal level. As human beings we often base our perceptions of people off of what we have heard. In Inherit the Wind Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee show us why these perceptions are usually inaccurate. They show us that once you put aside the rumors and look into a person’s heart, you may be stunned. Towards the beginning of the book we were introduced to Cates. He wasRead More Inherit The Wind Essay729 Words   |  3 Pages nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In the play â€Å"Inherit the Wind† by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee, the defense faces numerous societal injustices, which is why they never had a chance to win the case. One example of the town’s bias is presented through the town’s love for Matthew Harrison Brady. A second example is the extreme conformist and pious attitude of the town’s people. The last instance is the narrow-mindedness of the judge and the jury, which resulted in an unfair trial. In conclusionRead MoreAnalysis Of Clarence Darrow And Henry Millers Inherit The Wind951 Words   |  4 Pagesthe â€Å"Attorney for the Damned?† Both Clarence Darrow and Henry Drummond were set to win impossible cases. In the play Inherit the wind and the real-life Scopes Monkey Trial, Darrow and Drummond were on the impossible side. The trials were evolution against religion. Darrow and Drummond both had to represent the side of evolution in a religious-biased town. In t he play Inherit the Wind, the character, Henry Drummond, parallels his real-life counterpart, Clarence Darrow, through his beliefs, his contributionRead MoreEssay on Inherit the Wind (Scopes Trial)1082 Words   |  5 PagesThe play Inherit the Wind, was written by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee to inform its readers about the injustice of a law that limited the freedom of an ordinary citizen. This play is based upon actual events that happened to an individual, John Scopes, in Dayton, Tennessee during the 1920s. This famous Monkey Trial not only allowed people to begin to accept new theories about the origin of man, but also showed that they did not have to limit themselves in other areas of life. In the

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Race and Intercultural Relations in the United States Essay

We dont have problems understanding ourselves. We have problems understanding our interactions with others. See yourself as another sees you and you will begin to understand their viewpoint Preface The development of a culture in the United States has been a winding road of interactions between differing, oftentimes opposing cultures and races from the first footfalls of Europeans upon the American continent’s shores. Each group of settlers and immigrants have brought their own unique perspectives and underlying values to the table. Many of these perspectives have been incorporated into the mainstream way of life, many others however, have been dismissed and discarded as either foreign or outright dangerous. The†¦show more content†¦While any number of volumes could be written upon this subject, the consideration here will be upon the key historical points that have contributed to the defining of the Euro-American cultural norms and the resulting intercultural interactions. This examination of intercultural relations is best begun with the interactions between the European explorers and colonists and the native inhabitants of the New World. From the first footfalls of Columbus in 1492 to the present day, the native inhabitants have been â€Å"†¦a familiar but little known—and, indeed, often an unreal-person to the non-Indian.†(Josephy, Jr., 1973) In fact the term Indian stems from Columbus’ own error in believing that he had reached the Indies off the coast of Asia. He termed the inhabitants he found â€Å"los Indios†, and subsequent explorers and chroniclers continued the misuse of the term. In and of itself this mistake in not monumental, however the resulting patterns of interactions and lack of viewing the native inhabitants as unique and socially diverse groups defined the reference set for European based culture for the next 400 plus years. The Europeans who landed upon The American continent shores failed to realize the substantive differences between themselves and the native peoples. Explores andShow MoreRelatedDiversity Within The Workplace And How Communication Is The Driving Force Behind It Essay1463 Words   |  6 Pagesglobalization in the United States, the relationship between workplace diversity and communication, cited last are the barriers to intercultural communication in a diverse workplace. The literature presents these themes in a variety of ways; however, the highlight of this analytical review is the employment of communication, and its relation to workplace diversity and an organizations success. 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This highlights the need for teachers to be able to reflect on their own intercultural understandings and personal experiences in order to address the needs of diverse students from diverse cultural backgrounds. Mei French explores the value of students multilingual resources for learning. The paper reports on a study that wasRead MoreThe Search For Racial Reconciliation And Healing Essay1595 Words   |  7 Pagesa descendent from slaves on both sides of her family. She is the founder of Our Black Ancestry, a nationally recognized innovator in multicultural marketing, and a founder of the National Black Public Relations Society. Together, these two cross paths and go on an adventure across twenty-seven states and Trinidad and Tobago, over one hundred thousand miles, between 2008 and 2011. Their journey leads them to ancestral towns, courthouses, plantations, cemeteries, antebellum mansions, and historic sitesRead MoreThe Anxiety / Uncertainty Management Theory Of Effective Communication Essay2054 Words   |  9 Pagescross-cultural variability is factored in anxiety and uncertainty management processes in terms of individualism- collectivism, masculinity-femininity, power distance, and un certainty avoidance. An Anxiety/Uncertainty Management Theory can be applied to intercultural contexts and cross-cultural contexts. In many studies testing the theory, cultural influence on uncertainty reduction is measured between individualistic and collectivistic cultures, and cross-cultural similarities and differences are found. TheirRead MoreIntercultural Communication: An Eveolving Discipline Essay examples1871 Words   |  8 PagesIntercultural communication is an evolving discipline that encapsulates the interactions between individuals or groups from different backgrounds. Diversity and the need for cultural awareness are forever increasing, and this solidifies the direction in which diversity will take in the future. Intercultural communication is going to be a tremendous part of our future and as individuals it will be part of our personal, social and professional relationships. â€Æ' Intercultural Communication: An

Mis Education of the Negro Essay Example For Students

Mis Education of the Negro Essay Long before the Civil War the mis-education of Negroes began. Missionaries were sent south to teach freed slaves and schools began toform. Rather than help the Negroes develop they instead set out totransform them into what they wanted them to be, allowing them to learnwhat they wanted them to learn. Freed men who considered themselveswell educated taught other freed men, but had no curriculum other thanthat made by whites for whites educating Negroes away from therehistory. Negroes were left out of all educational curriculum except tocondemn them or portray them as savages. Whites were tough to hateNegroes and Negroes were taught to feel inferior to whites. Negroeswere not allowed there rightful place in Science not telling students thatancient Africans knew sufficient science. Not telling them about howthey made poisons for there arrow heads and mixed colors to createpaint. They left out Negro inventors altogether often claming there inventionsas there own. Negroes were never taught about what they brought overfrom Africa, there ideas or there influences. Nothing was taught aboutAfrican language and in literature the Africans were never mentioned.Negro doctors were taught that they were carriers of germs such assyphilis and tuberculosis which began as a white man diseases, butbecause they had not developed a immunity to theses diseases yet inbecame wide spread among the Negro community . Negro lawyers were taught that they belonged to the most criminalelement in the country. The Supreme Court permitted the judicialnullification of the 14th and 15th amendment. In history the Negro wasportrayed as having no thought and nothing to contribute. Nothing wasever taught about how they were the first to domesticate sheep, cows andgoats or how they were the first to introduce trial by jury. Negroes havebeen taught theses things for so long that they have become lost in thebias views of the white society, still teaching and learning what thewhite man wants us to know.Words/ Pages : 316 / 24